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Management and Business College “taking your business to a new level” The faculty is dedicated to academic excellence and the formation of professional managers, thus empowering innovation and value creation in individuals, organisations and business through continuously evolving expertise resulting from cutting edge research. Business is a progressively growing science. From designing workable strategies to dealing with emerging big data realities, revolutionary supply channels or developing an advertising campaign, management has become a core element of every organisation. We aim to make a positive contribution to the management and business community by conducting research around subjects that are applied, in demand and essential to organisations in a broad range of industrial and community settings. Our contemporary research empowers managers and executives to make smarter decisions that catalyse organisations’ growth and success. Our teaching relies on both our research as well as that of leading academics in the field. Together these insights help transform students into first class managers and executives who make next generation organisations market leaders. We offer programmes at Diploma, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels. The structure of our programmes guarantees that graduates can successfully choose and undertake a role from a wide array of career options in both academic and executive sectors. In constantly striving to address national and market requirements as well as forge closer links with industry, the faculty is constantly looking to develop new material and launch new programmes, always in line with professional needs.
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Management and Business College “taking your business to a new level” The faculty is dedicated to academic excellence and the formation of professional managers, thus empowering innovation and value creation in individuals, organisations and business through continuously evolving expertise resulting from cutting edge research. Business is a progressively growing science. From designing workable strategies to dealing with emerging big data realities, revolutionary supply channels or developing an advertising campaign, management has become a core element of every organisation. We aim to make a positive contribution to the management and business community by conducting research around subjects that are applied, in demand and essential to organisations in a broad range of industrial and community settings. Our contemporary research empowers managers and executives to make smarter decisions that catalyse organisations’ growth and success. Our teaching relies on both our research as well as that of leading academics in the field. Together these insights help transform students into first class managers and executives who make next generation organisations market leaders. We offer programmes at Diploma, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels. The structure of our programmes guarantees that graduates can successfully choose and undertake a role from a wide array of career options in both academic and executive sectors. In constantly striving to address national and market requirements as well as forge closer links with industry, the faculty is constantly looking to develop new material and launch new programmes, always in line with professional needs.
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Pro Deo International University
Pro Deo International
scientia potentia est